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Active Users
AdGyde tells you the number of users which have opened the application at least once on a given day and this number is shown in real time.

Geo Location
AdGyde provides the number of new users state wise so that you can target your campaign where there is more potential.

A session is a conversation between mobile application and user. A session starts with application start and it ends after the user has quit the application.

Read Sessions in detail

Average Session Duration
A session starts with application start and it ends after the user has quit the application, the time between the session start and session end is session duration. Each session of user is of different duration and can be multiple sessions in a day. The Session Duration Average is calculated by taking each session separately rather than user wise.

Average session duration can help advertisers find out how soon the user exits the application and how engaged he feels with the application.

AdGyde demography data provides details of Age and Gender wise segregation of User, this can be used by Advertiser to target the new users and run their campaigns effectively.

Demography in detail

Event is a powerful tool to track interaction between user and mobile application. These are used to track the registration, purchase in application and these events can be clubbed with postbacks to create KPI for campaigns

Events in detail

Conversion Funnels
Conversion Funnel is a way to measure the user path as per the user interaction with the application. It is a powerful tool to track user reactions against designed service path.

Conversion Funnel in detail

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