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AdGyde demography data provides details of Age and Gender wise segregation of User, this can be used by Advertiser to target the new users and run their campaigns effectively. Campaigns can be run, keeping in mind that the application is say - majorly used by Females and 26-35 Age group, so Advertiser can ask a publisher to target only these groups and get maximum installs and return on the cost spent.

For Age Profile
The user age profile demography shows the advertiser the user segregation and user concentration on specific age segments. Having this data assists app marketer to take more accurate measurements and helps in decision making.

Data can be passed to SDK by following 2 functions
  1. AdgydeManager.SharedInstance.OnsetAge(int years, int month, int day);
  2. AdgydeManager.SharedInstance.OnsetAge(int age);

// Age to be calculated from Year, Month, Day
AdgydeManager.SharedInstance.OnsetAge(1991, 05, 03);

// Age Value

For Gender Profile
The User gender profile demography shows the advertiser the user segregation and user concentration on specific Gender segments. Having this data, assists app marketer to take more accurate measurements and helps in decision making.

Syntax : AdgydeManager.SharedInstance.OnsetGender(String gender);

Values which are permitted in Function
  1. Male (M)
  2. Female (F)
  3. Others (O)

// when you pass string for Male

// when you pass string for Female

// when you pass string for Others

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